Maximum Hydration Method - Cherry Lola Treatment

Now I am not one for putting food in my hair......I have always shied away from "deep treatments" that called for food such avo's, bananas, coconut milk and yoghurt but for the sake of precious my hair its a small sacrifice to have yoghurt and condiments in I made the Cherry Lola Treatment as follows:

           175g Plain Yoghurt
           1.5 Tbsp. of Bicarbonate of Soda
           75ml of Braggs Amino Acid

Mix the Amino Acid with the yoghurt and then add the Bicarbonate of Soda this mixture swells up quite a lot so use a  mixing bowl that is quite big...... after it was mixed I sectioned my freshly washed hair into 4 sections and applied to each section.......I put on a shower cap and kept it on for 2 hours.......

I have to be honest I didn't like the smell at all, as at first it made me feel hungry and as time went on I started to smell like 3 day leftover Chinese takeaway....... a tip here is make sure you use an old towel to wrap around your head and kind of seal your head in  as this mixture drips quite a lot during the marination process.......once the time was up I rinsed it out thoroughly the smell did go away (whew) hair did feel much much softer and a little moisturized from the oils in the yoghurt… I co-washed my hair and used Aussie Miracle Reconstructor Deep Conditioner to deep condition my hair the morning I rinsed and styled my hair into a puffy bun.......I liked the results in the morning of the deep condition....but my hair did frizz as the day went on and it did feel a bit dry

CONCLUSION........ I still need a bit of convincing with regards to food in my hair  story I just don’t want to walk around smelling like breakfast or a smoothie….....but as  my ultimate goal is to achieve Maximum Hydration for my locs I will put food in my hair if I have to........(lol) 



1 comment

Unknown said...

Where can I get the Briggs amino acid?

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