What is Traction Alopecia?

This the gradual loss of hair along the hair line mainly on the temples and sides of the hair. This type of Alopecia or hair loss is not caused by illness or any internal factors in your body it is caused by YOU and ME and our STYLISTS……the continual tension being applied on this area by hairstyles that pull the hair back tightly like weaves, braids, and tight pony tails. Damage is caused to the dermal papilla and hair follicle therefore the follicle kind of “dies”. Damage can also be caused by over processing of the hair with chemicals like relaxers, hair dyes and bleaches. (Source Wikipedia and www.traction-alopecia.com )
Traction Alopecia is ONLY REVERSIBLE if
detected early if you can see that a certain style is damaging your hair STOP
doing it immediately. There are various
interventions you can do at this early stage, such as increasing your protein
intake, as protein is a building block of your hair, include more Zinc, Biotin,
Vitamin E and Omega 3 Fatty Acids in your diet, taking supplements as well
helps build up these minerals. You will also
need to exercise and generally maintain a healthy life style as this will also
reflect on the general health of your hair. (source www.urbanbushbabes.com )
What I have found out
Through all my trolling of the WWW, trying
to find the cure for traction alopecia the only solutions I have found have being
for treating it at the very early stages.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO topical
cure for traction alopecia when you follicle has being permanently damaged……. the only cure for this would be a
cosmetic surgery where they would transplant hair from mainly the back of your
head to the affected area. So in essence really prevention of this is better
than living with no hair along your hairline……I have also found myself with
hairstyles that are too tight and I have sworn never to do it again only to do
it again and again…...prevention is something that we probably have to be more conscious
of at all times when styling our hair…..we have to make sure that whatever
style we choose does not pull at the temples so much that your eyes start to
slant that is a definite no no ………. Say good bye to tight pony tails, tight
weaves and braids and hairstyles that put too much pressure on your hair
line. Just rock your natural hair

Treatments and Home Remedies
This treatment was done by Gabrielle
Allen founder of www.strawberriecurls.com,
this is a regime she started for her mother who was in the early stages of Traction
Alopecia what she used was Jamaican Black Castor Oil every night on her
mother’s hair and when it came to wash day they did the whole works, Shampoo,
Protein Treatment, Deep Condition, Moisturize and Seal then they Styled. According
to the article this was done for 5 months and her mom did manage to grow back
her edges go and read Gabrielle’s very interesting article here http://blackgirllonghair.com/2011/10/how-i-helped-my-mom-regrow-her-edges-in-5-months/
NiceHairOrg, says that
massaging the affected area for 15 minutes twice a day will increase elasticity
to the skin they claim that this will improve blood circulation to the scalp
which will then stimulate the hair follicle and the hair will grow go read the
full article here www.nicehair.org
The UrbanBushBabes suggest that you
massage a mixture of castor oil and rosemary essential oil to the affected area
everyday this they claim will stimulate your follicle to start growing hair……
they do stress however, that you
shouldn’t use products that will clog your pores and prevent your follicle from
“breathing” check out the whole article here www.urbanbushbabes.com
The Black Hair information blogs suggest that the
following recipe might help
3 drops Lavender Essential Oil
2 drops Thyme Essential Oil
3 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
2 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil
½ Tsp of Jojoba Oil
4 Tsp of Grapeseed oil
They say this must be massaged into the
affected area every day until there is improvement. Check
out their article here http://www.blackhairinformation.com/growth/hair-problems/regrowing-thin-edges-and-bald-spots-caused-by-alopecia-with-essential-oils/
One very important thing that I must
mention with Essential Oils is that you must always mix them with a carrier oil
such as Jojoba, Grape-seed, Sweet Almond Oil, Castor, Coconut and any of your
favorite carrier oils………it is not wise to apply essential oils directly on to
your skin as they are quite strong and this can only be done by a professional,
care should also be taken during pregnancy and with small children

All pictures showing Traction Alopecia from Google Search Images
Essential oil picture from www.dischem.co.za
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