Natural Hair Kids - A simply How to

I have been quite concerned lately reading Face Book forums and other chat groups at the amount of women that want to relax their children's hair, questions such as "what is a safe relaxer to use on a four year old?"  or "how regularly should I re-touch the new growth on my 6 year old?" 

Companies that make relaxers DO NOT ADVISE that you use a any type of relaxer on children below the age of TWELVE  (12) they say that the children's scalp has not yet matured enough to handle the chemicals in the relaxers. So why do we want to relax our children's hair? As a read the forums there was a lot of things coming through ranging from lack of knowledge about natural hair to sheer laziness.  I have been asked time and time again to talk about how to take care of children's hair but I have always been reluctant because I didn't see the need. 

Introducing MINI-FRO 
Many of you that follow me on my social media channels will know I am a mom, I have a feisty 10 year old daughter and very charming 7 year old son they are both naturals, my son recently decided he wanted to grow his #FRO so he is spotting a TWA, my daughter's hair is medium length and she absolutely loves been a natural, she has been a natural all her "life" and she has been growing her hair for the past 4.  

How I care for my hair is the same way I care for my daughters hair, except for stylers, she does not use any on her hair as she never wears a wash and go it is just not practical for such a small child. 

What we use 

Both my children use products on their skin and hair that are as close to nature as possible.   To care for her hair we use the Afro Botanics and Nubian Nature Range.  I find these products to be the best when it comes to softening and conditioning my daughters very thick 4C hair, the conditioners from Afro Botanics do an amazing job of conditioning and strengthening her hair whilst the Nubian Nature hair oils and creams seal in that moisture keeping her hair  perfectly moisturized.  

Hair Styles 

Practicality is key when installing any hairstyle for children even if you do take them to the salon, you have to remember that they have activities and elaborate hair do's mean that they cannot wear their hats in the sun and putting on swimming caps becomes a mission.  My daughters has a protective style most of the time and the styles range from twists, braids or just plain old plaits. When she does wear her hair out it is normally a twist out or a just a big old Afro, we  blow dry her hair twice a year (when she wants to show off her length), this also gives me the opportunity to trim her split ends 

Weekly Maintenance 

Twists and braids are kept for at least 3 weeks and in-between this we co-wash using the III Sisters of Nature Co-Washing conditioners, for  daily maintenance she has been using the  Cantu Coconut Shine and Hold Mist (R130)  and recently we were introduced the Afro Botanics De-tangling Leave in spray (R60), which has quickly become a favorite in our house as it instantly moisturizes and de-tangles your hair. 

Words of Encouragement 

I know it is quite  daunting task to take care of natural hair and there is so many things that can be confusing but keeping it simple with children's hair is the key success.  

Do not have overly complicated routines that take hours to complete. Teach your little one how to care for their own hair no matter how old they are, tell them what the products are and what they do,  my daughter takes care of the daily spritzing and sealing of her hair and she can tell you exactly why she does this, my son will tell you why co-washing is good after swimming (he is such charmer), let them be "in charge" of certain things as this empowers them.  

Best advice I can give to moms and dad with natural hair kids, is to leave your children's hair alone by that I mean don't fuss with their hair too much, use good quality products,  keep it simple and most importantly do not speak negatively about their hair comments such as "this hair is such a problem" will turn your children against their natural hair.  Lastly enjoy your child's hair and let them enjoy it as well.

Do you relax your children's hair? At what age did you use a relaxer on their hair? Are you relaxed? 



Please check out this video on how we twisted her hair. 

How to install Twists

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