Hair Loss Due to Covid-19

Some people who have recovered from Covid-19 have reported excessive Hair Loss!  Strangely, this is not listed as one of the known long-term side effects of Covid 19. This had us stumped at the Hair Studio.  Could it be the medication administered during treatment of Covid 19, lack of nutrients reaching the follicles or was it it stress? 

We have read a lot of articles written by Dermatologist and Trichologist researching why some Covid 19 survivors were suddenly faced with extreme hair loss, about six to eight weeks after recovery.  Of course we read them all for you and have summarized what we found were the most common factors contributing to the hair loss.  

What we found were the most common causes for hair loss:


Physical and emotional stress can lead to a reversible hair loss condition called Telogen Effluvium . The hair growth cycle goes through 4 phases;  Anagen (growth phase), Catagen (transition phase), Telogen (rest phase) and Exogen (shedding phase).  When our bodies experience emotional distress, major surgery or high fever it shifts the hair cycle to the Telogen phase therefore leading to hair loss. 

Lack of Vital Nutrients 

When our bodes are fighting any major illness, vital nutrients are prioritized  to the important functions of our body. Unfortunately hair is not one of them.  If the hair does not receive nutrients such as Vitamins A B (mainly Biotin) C D E and minerals such as Iron, Zinc and Protein, it  will automatically go into the Resting Phase (Telogen) therefore leading to hair loss.  

Not Enough Rest 

Battling any illness is a challenge for the body and some people who have survived Covid 19 have reported not been able to sleep or rest properly.  We all know that our bodies need all the rest they can get in order for them to function properly. Coupled with the symptoms of Covid 19 our bodies go into "shock" and survival mode, triggering the hair cycle to go into the resting phase (Telogen). 

What Can You Do 

Suffering from any kind of hair loss can be distressing especially after recovering from a major illness.  We recommend the below to our clients to minimize the distress hair loss can cause:

1. Stop stressing about your hair. If you have been to your doctor and ruled out any of the other reasons for your hair loss such as a hormonal imbalance, stressing about it will not help. This is temporary and your hair will recover.

2. Ensure that you are eating a healthy balanced diet with protein and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Exercise regularly without straining yourself and drink plenty of water.

3. Be kind to yourself and your hair. Avoid hair styles and treatments that will cause further hair loss. Excessive heat styling, Coloring, Chemical Services, Braids or Tight Pony Tails will add further pressure to your hair follicles.  Opt for more nourishing and repairing treatments that will help fortify your hair. 

4. Know that there there is nothing topical that you can put on your hair that is not prescribed by a doctor to kick start the Growth Phase (Anagen). With good nutrition rest and exercise your body will get back to normal. So save your money on hair growth serums or potions that promise quick results. 

5. If  you do not see any hair growth 3 - 4 months after the hair has stopped shedding then get a prescription from your Dermatologist for treatments such as Minoxidil. 

Remember patience is absolutely key.  Be patient with yourself and your hair. You are a survivor and we salute you. 

If you found this article helpful please share it with your friends and family and remember we are here to help you through this process! 


Noir Hair Studio 

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