How do you know when your hair needs a Trim?

I am very scissor happy, I like my hair short, if I feel my Fro is not looking its normal usual happy self I do not hesitate to trim it. BUT, I know most people want long hair, so it's inevitable that that we end up holding on to split ends to the detriment of the rest of our hair. Is it necessary to trim regularly? How do you know when it is time to get a trim?

1. Your hair is more knotted than usual - if it's taking you longer to de-tangle your hair no matter how much slip your conditioner has then it's time for a trim.

2. When your twists  look straggly and very thin - there is absolutely no need to keep thin straggly ends as your twist-out is going to look frizzy and forget about that curl definition showing.

3. Single Strand Knots - when you feel these little devils everywhere in your hair you are in desperate need of a trim. If you don't trim you could damage healthy hair. Click here for more on Single Strand Knots

4. Your hair appears to have stopped growing - the ends are the oldest and driest part of our hair and they break off very easily, especially when you hold on to split ends if you notice that there is a lot of small pieces of hair in the sink or floor when you comb well these are your ends slowly breaking off.

5. When you seem to just have bad hair day after bad hair even you gorgeous puff doesn't look the same any more then head over to your trusted stylist and trim your hair.

Now the hard part. Finding a stylist that can trim your natural hair without giving you a Big Chop.  I would never advise your cut your own hair firstly you could cause more damage by using the incorrect tools, secondly no matter what the You Tube video says, you will not cut evenly,  finally there are just some things you have to leave to the professionals, I know I have tried it. Find a professionally trained stylist one who is open to suggestions understands your hair goals, and make sure you communicate throughout the whole process.

How often do you trim? Are you on a journey to waist length hair? Let me know in the comments below and if you found this post to be helpful please share it with your friends remember sharing is caring!



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