Things that don’t work on my hair

There are quite a few things that a lot of naturals swear by that my hair just does not enjoy, some of them have an adverse effect on my hair.  Unfortunately, with hair-care it is not always one size fits all!

Aloe Vera Juice/Gel
Okay so I bought 4 Aloe plants in the early days of my natural hair journey. I wanted to harvest my own Gel and make my own juice. The only benefits I have been able to reap are that the plants are ascetically pleasing in my garden. Aloe Vera Juice and Gel has the same effects on my hair as protein overload my hair loses its softness and elasticity. My hair can only tolerate small amounts of this ingredient in products as well. 

Castor Oil
Whether it’s from Jamaica or Timbuktu this much-loved oil and my hair are just not in the same “whatsup group”. It is too heavy for my hair and when used to seal my ends it makes my hair greasy and tends to cause dryness. My hair absolutely hates this oil even small amounts in products can cause an adverse effect on my hair. 

Coconut Oil  
I discovered very early on, that Coconut oil was not for me. Every time I used this “holy grail” oil my hair would end up dry and brittle. It just didn’t do for me what all the Blogs and You Tube videos said it would do.  My hair can however tolerate small amounts of this oil in products.

After 2 years of using Henna I found that it altered my curl pattern and my hair was always dry.  When I used Henna, I constantly had to deep condition my hair to get it feeling right. I found that my hair always had single strand knots no matter what I did, I constantly had to trim my hair to avoid it splitting from dryness. 

Shea Butter
Takes my hair from 100 – 0 as soon as it is applied on to my hair.  This has the same effects on my hair as Coconut oil.  I even tried raw unprocessed Shea Butter which does not contain any other oils and I have got the same results. Shea butter is too heavy for my hair it weighs down and dries out my hair.  My hair can however tolerate small amounts of this ingredient in products. 

What natural hair “holy grails” have you found not to work on your hair.  Please share your experiences in the comments below



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