Finally: I have Clear Skin

Having dealt with problem skin for most of my adult life I think I have finally cracked the code. My skin has virtually being blackhead and breakout free for over 7 months. I have tried everything on my skin from high-end products, DIY and yes I have used Sunlight Liquid on my face.

About 9 months ago I decided to do "research" on the net on what could help, especially with the blackheads. All the articles I read pointed to Salicylic Acid as the answer.  At first I was apprehensive at the word ACID as I had flashes of my skin melting off my face and being scarred for life, however desperation for solution made me open to anything.

What is Salicylic Acid
In the most simplest of terms Salicylic Acid breaks-up the cells in pores, this helps the dead skin to shed quickly, therefore not clogging up the pores. Salicylic Acid comes in different strengths from 1% up-to 30%. The higher strengths from 3% onward are used by Dermatologist and Somatologist  for chemical peel where the outer layer of your skin is literally "burned off"" under controlled conditions.

Armed with this information I went in search of over the counter products that contained salicylic acid.  I was quite disappointed as there were not very many products that contained the ingredient available on the shelves. The only product that peaked my interest that had a high enough strength was was the Garnier PureActive Intensive cleansers, Wipes and 3 in 1 Clay Scrub and Mask so naturally I bought the whole range.

How I use the Garnier PureActive Intensive Cleansers 

1. Daily Gel Wash - I use this product twice a day in the morning and in the evening, I leave it on my face for about 3 minutes before I rinse it off

2. Daily Exfoliating Scrub - I use this product 3 - 4 times a week depending on how much makeup I have worn, I prefer to use it in the evening especially if I have been wearing makeup the whole day and twice a week I leave it on my face to dry up for about 10 to 15 minutes then rinse it off

3. Purifying Cleansing Wipes - I use these to remove my makeup and if I cannot wash my face in the evening because I am travelling or tired I use these.

It is very important to use a high SPF sunblock when using products that contain Salicylic acid as the ingridient does make your skin photosensitive.

My thoughts 

I absolutely love the Garnier PureActive Intensive Range Cleansers,  as they honestly do what they say, "unclogs pores, targets spots and blackheads and reduces the appearance of marks" I cannot believe that my skin is virtually blackhead free and it's glowing. Sadly the moisturizers from the range seemed to dry out my skin and I had to find another moisturizer that agreed with my skin to balance it. If you are suffering from constant breakouts and blackheads which are not acne related this is the product for you.

Have you tried the range? What other products do you use that help to clear your skin? Please drop a comment below and let me know!


Isabel Ngulube

*** This is not a sponsored post all products mentioned were bought by me!

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