Where have I been?

It’s been a while but life happens unfortunately!

At the beginning of the year I decided I wasn’t going to blog any longer, sometimes I find myself disillusioned by the “blog world”, unfortunately it’s not as glamourous as many people think it is.  It’s not easy being a blogger, I think that applies anywhere in the world but the rules seem somehow very different in South Africa.

Last night, I was going through the comments on some of the posts I have written, and “HASHTAG WOW” I didn’t realise how many people’s lives, I have touched since starting the blog. When I started my Blog, I was happy to help even one person. I figured that there had to be at least one person out there, facing the same challenges I was, and if I wrote about the solutions I had found that person could benefit from my experience.

One of my posts has been read close to 16000 times in less than a year, that left me gobsmacked, the comments on the post from people it helped made me very teary indeed, I couldn’t believe that a single post had made such an impact to so many people. Through one post they had changed their decision and gone a separate route. It reminded me why I started blogging, it was never about google analytics, blog reach, events, brands, bloggers, influence, press drop offs, and so many other things that come with entering the “blogging world”. Frankly, I didn’t even know what google analytics was until 2 years into blogging, when I was been asked for “my stats” by a PR Agent. She thought I was joking when I asked, “and where do I find that on my blog”. For a while now I have loathed the fact that I ever blogged. I have loathed been associated with blogging about hair in South Africa, cringed when people said, “aren’t you the blogger from Mzansifro?”

But, reading through your comments made me realise that I indeed have made a difference to a few people in their challenges to find good product, maintain healthy hair, try new skincare products and navigate the ever-complicated hair and beauty world.

So, am I back to blogging? Well of course YES! And it’s all because of every single one of you that follows the blog, has commented on posts, shared posts and encouraged me from time to time, I realise I still have so much to share; and lord so many products to get through.  Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all your support it is truly overwhelming.



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