My IASO Tea Experience – Part 1

I am sure most of you who follow me on Instagram saw my dramatic weight loss pictures, and some of you might be wondering if I kept the weight off?  I decided to break my feedback up into 2 parts as I did drink the tea again after my initial trial.

Why I drank it
When I was first told about IASO tea by a friend I completely rubbished it as nonsense. I know how weight loss works, you clean up your diet exercise and you will lose weight.  She was however persistent, explaining the many benefits of IASO tea that honestly, I was tired of her persistence that I bought the tea just so she could stop. I had absolutely no intention of drinking the tea, but still she pestered me asking me if I had drunk the tea? Eventually I decided I would drink the tea just to prove to her that it didn’t work.

My diet during the trial
The tea makes Four (4) litres of liquid which is a slightly brown colour you drink a glass full in the morning and in the evening before dinner. I did not change my diet at this stage but I must point out that I don’t eat junk-food, not because I am a super human; but I suffer with digestive issues and sugar, sugary drinks, oily foods, dairy products and cakes just don’t agree with me. I do sometimes have Chicken Licken Wings.  I drank the tea over 4 days and I never experienced cramps, that are normally associated with drinking these herbal teas. After the third day, I did start going to the loo more regularly, the condition I have makes me extremely constipated so this was a plus for me at this stage. I finished the tea and I reported back to my dear friend that I was still the same dress size and nothing had changed.

About 3 weeks later I noticed that some of my clothes felt a tiny bit looser, I could zip up my jeans without having to really suck it in. By the sixth week my jeans were considerably looser and it carried on well into the second month. Now I had to “eat humble pie” and report back to my friend that it seemed like I was getting a tad bit lighter and my clothes were considerably looser. Another thing is I never weighed myself before this because I simply didn’t think it would work and because I am not obsessed with my weight I do not weigh myself regularly either. The only weight I could remember was my weight at my annual check-up four months earlier and I was 74kg, 2 months after drinking the IASO tea I weighed myself and I was 63kg and I went from a size 14 to a size 10. The worst part of this experience has been dropping two cup sizes on my boobs.

How it works
IASO tea is not a weight loss tea, but the properties in the tea (which are all natural), detox your system, which in turn helps to kick start your metabolism, that is if your metabolism is a bit sluggish due to build-up of toxins in your body.  Personally, I felt a lot better, after drinking the tea as it alleviated my digestive issues, I was less bloated and went regularly to the loo.

Would I recommend it for Weight loss?
I wouldn’t go so far as to say that IASO tea is a weight loss tea, it is as I have stated a detoxifying tea that cleans up your system which enables you if you eat right to start losing weight. IASO tea will not keep the fat off your thighs if you still drink sugary drinks and your diet is not clean.  Weight loss is not that simple. I would also like to stress that anyone wanting to drink IASO tea or teas of this sort, consults with a doctor first. This is very important, though the ingredients are all natural some of them might interfere with any medication you might be taking.  Weight loss is a complete lifestyle shift if you are struggling with weight the first place I would go is to my doctor, then consult a dietician and exercise.  

I will post the second part of my journey with IASO Tea next week so don’t forget to come back and check for it then. Also, if you suffer from digestive issues and would like me to share my challenges with this let me know in the comments below.


1 comment

Vy Tea said...

Very useful information, thanks you

The best weight loss tea: vy&tea

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